Tuesday 26 March 2013

Wedding Cake

Sponsor by my lovely sister yeay!!!.. heee mule my sister punye sister in law nk sponsor hantaran cake.. n then after that my sister plak nk sponsor my wedding cake.. Alhamdulillah.. so ape lagi.. mule laa process mengoogle cake2 yg comel2 n sweet...

klau boleh nk kaler pink n 3 tgkt.. nk tau np 3 tgkat sbb kami dua2 anak ke3.. so sy pilih cake 3 tgkt laa.. hehehee *over kan... so mari2... sy da shortlisted kan design2 cake yg sy minat... so leh laa u all tlg choose which one yg comel.. hehe :)

This first two cake sesuai tuk hantaran kan.. heee but actually I prefer the second one.. coz nmpk sweet sgt2.... hehe  the first one pon sweet jugak tp nmpk elegant sikit.. waahhh cake pon elegant ehh.. hahahaha

Haaa pilihan wedding cake ade 5... huhu sume ade meaning yg tersendiri... hehehe but yg sy pling2 minat yg no 3 and yg last tu.. hehehehe kalu laa ade dpn mata.. mesti syg nk potong kan... heee :)

so kwn2.. which one u all like......??? or u all have any suggestion?? heeee kaunter cadagan dibuka... heee :) 

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