Wednesday 6 March 2013

Should i start counting??

yes you can!!!...

so starting from today......

9 days more..... OMG!!

Lets start from Check list...

Things to prepare
Pelamin + Makeup
Engagement Attire
Siap!! Just my veil jer still in progress
Hand Bouquet
Barang Hantaran
Decoration Hantaran
Done! Tggl last touch up jer..
Food & Baverage
Zack Catering
Table and Chair
Done! *tp x tau dr mn..
Door Gift
Done! Tggl nk msukkn cookies dalam my Love Jar.
Candy Buffet
Brg2 sume da settle. Just wait n see jadi ker x my Candy buffet. 
Photo Booth
Sama jugak dgn can buffet sume da siap da. 

Orait.. if there anything left??? hurmmm... i think everything is done!.. can't wait... huhu xcited mood.. :)

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