Wednesday 30 January 2013

Twins day out...

Bukan senang kami nk dpt peluang kuar bedua-duaan ni... hikhik... mmg sonok.. kami smpt pegi 2 wedding berpandukan google map n map from wedding card and sempat pegi tgk Baby Noah... heee tp x smpt nk amik pic baby Noah.. huhu x p Noah nnt auntie juju dtg lagi bler Noah da bsr sikit...

disebabkan iphone dier da xd whatsapp tepakse laa amik pic cm gini dr fon dier.. hehee  

nmpk x pic perantin kt blakg tu... mesti x kan.. heee

After settle sume before balik kami smpt singah kt Chatime.. pekena chatime dulu before pulang.. heee ..

Chatime best!! *Hazelnut Chocolate with Pearl* my faveret :)

Its me.. i'm wearing my new PEPLUM... :) testing 123...  

Adoi ssh nyer nk pilih air2 ni.. hahahaha.. lame btul dier tenung menu tu.. :)


  1. hahahahahahaah.....klaka la entry nihhh..nape x crite pasal salah g tpt wedding?? hahahahahah..sngt x sopan. huh!!!!

    btw, i loooooiiikkkkeeeeeee ur peplum!!!!!!! :)

    1. Hahaha a'ahh laa terlupe plak psl tu.. haha patutnyer cter psl kite slh umah kan.. tp cm malu laa plsk nk cter kan.. heeee I know.. heee mesti aina x sbr tggu peplum aina smpi kan.. heee :)
