Thursday 10 January 2013

Baby oh Babyl!!!

JANUARY... i got two baby one boy and one gurl... i'm soo hepi.. both of them was me besfren's baby.. i'm not just hepi because they have a new cute baby i also happy because they will come on my engagement day.. yeayyy!!!

First baby ni baby BOY.. wat kate mama dier boboiboi.. hee sgt comel... walaupun dier lahir x cukup bulan but he was very strong n tersgt laa comey..

Ini laa dier Noah Emerizqin
Date of birth: 4 January 2013
Papa: Hirwan
Congrats both of you dpt baby yg sgt comel ni!!!!
tadaaaa.. ni lagi sorg... gegurl plak.. hee
dier ni br jer lahir smlm.. so name dier xd lagi.. n ptg ni pas keje nk g tgk dier.. heee tggu yer gegurl aunti juju dtg ptg ni.. heee
Date of birth: 10 of January 2013
Mummy: Masrina
Daddy: Rizal
Brother: Aryan (wahh aryan da jd abg laaa)
congrats to both of u...... :)
yg last ni my BABY.. heee xd laa memain jer.. comelnyer laa baby ni tdo.. hikhik *gmbr sekadar perhiasan*...

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