B2B is the best feeling ever!!.... sonok sgt jd bride to be ni.. hehe blom jd bride agi da sonok.. klau jd bride cm ne laa feeling dier plak ehh.. hehe
nk tau np sy kate sonok jd Bride-to-be ni.. coz I got two bachelorette surprise from my Best Friends.. heee mmg sonok.. x sgka ade jugak org nk celeb my bujang day ni.. hee thank u sooo much.. x tau mcm mn agi nk say thank you kt dorg coz ssh2 plan my bachelorette party.. later I will share the picture with you guys ehh.. hee
Before sy di surprise oleh mereka ni kitorg lunch dulu... hahah actually planning nk g breakfast laa konon tp last2 breakfast and lunch sekaligus sng.. heheh
Location: FullHouse
Mode: Happy

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