Alhamdulillah.. sumenyer berjalan dgr lncr seperti yg dirancang... hee terima kasih yg x terhingga to all my fam coz bertungkus lumus mnjaya kan majlis pertunangn sy yg sgt comel tu.. hee prasan x... hikhik..
Thanks to my bff sume coz dtg menepati tema.. hehe best sgt dorg.. dorg sume tersgt laa sporting.. heee..
Ramai jugak org tnye psl pelamin psl veil psl bj sy.. heee x sia2 prepare awal2.. hehe alhamdulillah sy sgt2 puas hati.. heee nxt entry I will update about all my things during my e-day...
So sesp yg nk tau wait for my nxt entry k lalink sume.. heee
Now I'm officially asri yusof's fiancee... ♥♥♥♥

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