Saturday 16 February 2013


SERIOUSLYyyyyyyyyy i'm so Surprise....... Love them so much especially for the dalang of the event my BFF Aina Syazana n Nadiawati (nad).. n thanks to my Incik BF also coz berjaya membohogi sy... walaupun dier x follow plan btul2.. wat kate aina laaa.. heee nway surpsie bdy korg mmg mnjd....

x sgka dorg ingt jugak my birthday.. slalu nyer org mcm ssh jer nk plan surprise for me.. coz sy sntiase alert dgn keadaan sekeliling.. upenyer dorg ade create group dekat whatsapp.. heee so sweet laa korg and by incik bf also.. pndai dier pncing ajak dinner pastu dan2 nk makan nasi lemak... OMG!! tetibe smpi old town cyber tgk sume ade.. walaupun x d laa sume sgt but a few of the GREAT 5 ade laa.... yg da lame x jumpe pon ade.. korg mmt GREAT laaa.. hee :)

"Happy Ice-Cream Cake To You" mmg sgt hepi pon dpt eskem ni.. heee :)
My Birthday Cake yg best!! Fully Ice-cream tau jgn jelez.. hee :)

Mereka ye telah memeranjatkn sy.. :)

 Present from my BFF Aina syazana.. thanks lalink.. love u so much!!!!

My cintahati yg berjaya membawa sy kesini... pndi menipu yer syg... heee

My GurlFriend from right aina, me, nad and naddy.. :)

Senyum x perlu kata apa2...heeee
*thanks kwn2 for the suprise.. sy sgt2 terharu... hee :)


  1. hahaahahahahhaha ju kene tipu, nad pon kene tipu.....yesss!!!!! berjayeee!!!!!

    1. eleh.. dier da kene tipu dulu.. hahahaahaha.. :P
