Yeayyy!! finally my sticker da siap... tp br siap design laaaa... blom siap printing agi and alang nk buat photo booth sy ade order Alphabet banner jugak.. heeee
Price: RM35 (100pcs)
Alphabet Banner
Price: RM27 (21 pcs)
Supplier: Snuf Stuffs (Facebook)
U all mesti tertanye2 kannk wt ape laa alphabet banner tu.. haa alphabet banner tu i nk ltk dekat photo booth and our candy buffet...
Contoh mcm kt bwh ni.. sume ni konon2 laa nk buat x tau laa jd ker x nnt.. hee tggu dan lihat lah yer.. :)
sy pon ade order props.. for Photo Booth..
ni sample props yg sy order..
Price: RM90 (15 items)
Supplier: Emy BeautyMe (Facebook)
All 15 items as follows:
mustage 2
sexy lips
mens glasses frames
womens glasses frames
scary teeth
Props with wording
His Mine
I love U
I'm yours
Just Engange
polaroid picture frame
vintage frame
Hand Bouquet
Punyer laa ssh nk cr org yg sggup buat hang Bouquet ni... disebab kn x nk yg fresh flower.. jenuh gak laaa cari.. finally dpt jugak.. heeee
Classy Vintage Hand Bouquet
Price: RM280
Supplier: Filmshortartifact (Facebook)
x sabarnyer nk tunggu sumenyer settle.. hopefully everything berjalan dgn lancar.. hee :)
xoxo.. see yaa.. ;)