Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Counting days...

3 weeks 3 days
Yallah permudahkanlah segala urusan kami...

Saturday, 16 February 2013


SERIOUSLYyyyyyyyyy i'm so Surprise....... Love them so much especially for the dalang of the event my BFF Aina Syazana n Nadiawati (nad).. n thanks to my Incik BF also coz berjaya membohogi sy... walaupun dier x follow plan btul2.. wat kate aina laaa.. heee nway surpsie bdy korg mmg mnjd....

x sgka dorg ingt jugak my birthday.. slalu nyer org mcm ssh jer nk plan surprise for me.. coz sy sntiase alert dgn keadaan sekeliling.. upenyer dorg ade create group dekat whatsapp.. heee so sweet laa korg and by incik bf also.. pndai dier pncing ajak dinner pastu dan2 nk makan nasi lemak... OMG!! tetibe smpi old town cyber tgk sume ade.. walaupun x d laa sume sgt but a few of the GREAT 5 ade laa.... yg da lame x jumpe pon ade.. korg mmt GREAT laaa.. hee :)

"Happy Ice-Cream Cake To You" mmg sgt hepi pon dpt eskem ni.. heee :)
My Birthday Cake yg best!! Fully Ice-cream tau jgn jelez.. hee :)

Mereka ye telah memeranjatkn sy.. :)

 Present from my BFF Aina syazana.. thanks lalink.. love u so much!!!!

My cintahati yg berjaya membawa sy kesini... pndi menipu yer syg... heee

My GurlFriend from right aina, me, nad and naddy.. :)

Senyum x perlu kata apa2...heeee
*thanks kwn2 for the suprise.. sy sgt2 terharu... hee :)

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

My 26th Birthday

With Family

This bdy celebration sgt lain ngn taun2 lps.. heee yg pling lain ialah sy jauh dr fam.. huhu slalu bdy mesti di sisi keluarga.. tp this year lain sket... walaupun x disis keluarga typ dorg ttp ingt bdy sy.. sgt2 terharu and syg sgt2 kat dorg.. dorg laa yg sentiase ade disisi sentiase.. x kire ms sedih ker hepi ker... dorg ttp di sisi... bersyukur sgt2 dpt fam yg sgt lengkap and saling melengkapi.. bukan bf n gf jer saling melengkapi tau.. fam members pon kene slaing melengkapi...

oleh kerane ade anak buah yg sm bulan ngn sy.. so kami celeb bdy bersame.. hee

auntie juju with Arqeesh and bdy boy arfan..

semoga pnjg umur and dimurahkan rezeki.. amin.... :)

Heee da tua2 pon dpt adiah lagi.. hee:) thanks to my sis and Mama&Papa for the present... :)

Wish form my sisters...
With Buah Hatiku

After celeb ngn fam.. celeb ngn buah hatiku plak.. heee oleh kerane nk mkn kek dier belanja mkn secret recipe tau.. heee sbb buah hati sy ni x mkn cake.. heee :)

comel x bdy present from My Love.. heee
syg kamu sgt2!!! muahhhhhh!!! :) 


Akhirnyer smpi jugak sy ke terengganu pg 9 Feb (sehari sblom my bdy) aritu.. hee punye laa xcited nk pegi terengganu.. walalupun 2 hari tp sgt sonok dpt jln2 tgk tmpt org... first day smpi terengganu incik bf pickup at airport and terus jer dier bwk blik rumah dier.. coz tujuan utama dtg sbnrnyer sbb wedding abg dier dlm ms yg sm nk berkenalan dgn bakal mentua laa konon ceywahhh... hahaha alhamdulillah sumenyer berjalan dgn lancar and sume da selamat... kitorg jer yg x selamat2 agi.. hahahaahaa


Sempat jugak laa berposing dgn perantin aka FIL Family.. heeee

Gmbr curi2 yg dpt kitorg ambil bedua.. heeee :)
me with my penyelamat.. hee nasib baik laa dier ade kalu x mmg sorg2 laa sy g ganu.. hikhik
last day sblom blik my incik bf bwk sy jln2 sekitar terengganu.. rs cm x sgka dpt dating kt terengganu.. heee coz farah ms tu pegi melawat sedare mare.. sy pegi Nor Arfa Batik, Pasar payang yg sgt jem n last skali g wedd kwn incik bf and last skali singgah umah dier kejap sblom blik.. smpt laa jugak sy singgah borong kopok kjap.. heeee
experince yg sgt best on my bday.. insyallah if ade rezeki sy smpi laa sane lagi.. :) coz bnyk lagi tmpt2 yg best x pg.. heee 


Happy Birthday Cik Zuhazreen!!!
Firstlly, sblom sy start berceloteh sy nk mengambil kesempatan ni tuk mengucapkan terima kasih to all my family coz plan a birthday party for me... heee to my love once yg bwk sy jln2 kt ganu and celeb bdy kt KL jugak (2 kali yer celeb ngn dier) and wish2 yg sy terima dr kwn2..

Thursday, 7 February 2013



To go....


Arrghhh!! wut happen to my face....

OMG!!! seyezly... sgt2 sedeyh.. coz something happen to my face... huhu tu laa nk tukar2 product kecantikan time2 ni jugakkn.. konon laa nk nmpk agi cntk n berseri ms hari tunang nnt.. haa last2 jd cm gini.. sedeyh + takut... huhu takut dier x elok... hopefully dier akan ok nnt.. heeee pray for me k kwn2.... :)

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Simple & Sweet... :)

Yeayyy!! finally my sticker da siap... tp br siap design laaaa... blom siap printing agi and alang nk buat photo booth sy ade order Alphabet banner jugak.. heeee

Price: RM35 (100pcs)

Alphabet Banner
Price: RM27 (21 pcs)

Supplier: Snuf Stuffs (Facebook)
U all mesti tertanye2 kannk wt ape laa alphabet banner tu.. haa alphabet banner tu i nk ltk dekat photo booth and our candy buffet...
Contoh mcm kt bwh ni.. sume ni konon2 laa nk buat x tau laa jd ker x nnt.. hee tggu dan lihat lah yer.. :)

sy pon ade order props.. for Photo Booth..

ni sample props yg sy order..
Price: RM90 (15 items)
Supplier: Emy BeautyMe (Facebook)
All 15 items as follows:
mustage 2
sexy lips
mens glasses frames
womens glasses frames
scary teeth
Props with wording
His Mine
I love U
I'm yours
 Just Engange
polaroid picture frame
vintage frame
Hand Bouquet
Punyer laa ssh nk cr org yg sggup buat hang Bouquet ni... disebab kn x nk yg fresh flower.. jenuh gak laaa cari.. finally dpt jugak.. heeee

Classy Vintage Hand Bouquet
Price: RM280
Supplier: Filmshortartifact (Facebook)
x sabarnyer nk tunggu sumenyer settle.. hopefully everything berjalan dgn lancar.. hee :)
xoxo.. see yaa.. ;)