Thursday 27 December 2012

MY Lovely BFF..


one day i will tell the story about them..
coz klau nk cter psl dorg ni.. beratus2 entry pon x cukup...
kami sgt2 serasi bersame....
tp dorg ni sume single tau ehh silap not single..
yg tgh2 tu name dier Aina dier IstriOrg
the third picture tu name dier Nadia opsss Nad.. heee dier GF org n bakal tunangan org mcm sy.. heeee..
So sy n nad still single laaa kirenyer but not available.... hikhik...
ble kitorg berjumpe ade jer cter yg menarik.. hee mcm2 cter akan kluar...
we r so hepi...
our tag line is "Sharing is Caring" hahaha suke hati sy jer wt tagline..
i know when they read this they will say yes to this tagline... hahahaha

"Side by side or miles apart FRIENDS ARE FOREVER closed to your Heart"
"Friends a likes a bra, Supportive, Hard to Find and always close to your Heart"


  1. OMG!!!!!!! juju this is soooooo sweeeet od u!!!. love both u guys so demm muchiee!!!! muuaxxx
