Good Morning.... Today the first thing i want to do is update my blog.. hahaha becoz today i'm so lazy.. do know why.. huhuhu semalam petang jer da terase da bahang MOnday blues.. hikhik.. pertama kali rase malas sangat smpi nk menangis... hahaha terukkn sy... my hubby pon pelik daaa.. hahah pemls sggh bini dier ni.. heee sory ehh syg.. x dpt nk sorok da perasaan malas.. hikhik
Alang2 nk ckp psl Monday Blues ni.. korg tau x ape maksud MOnday Blues.. heee sure every monday ade jer yg akan hupdate status kt FB ker twitter ker x pon IG.. heee so sy pon duk mengoogle laa ape itu MONDAY BLUESsssss...
MONDAY is the first day of the week for Christians
BLUE was first use only as a color in English
→ So the meaning of MONDAY in English cuture is associated with such connotions as:
1. reluctancy
2. being late in guessing
3. the cooling of tempers
4. unwanted arrival
5. being mundane
6. failing
→ And the meaning of BLUE in English cuture is associated with such connotions as:
7. cold
8. wasting your efforts
9. being unexpected
10. being rare
11. annoyance
12. sadness
13. difficult life or bad luck in love
14. physical or unskilled work
To put all these together, we can define MONDAY BLUES as:
The low-spirited, cool, annoyed, sad, unlucky mood of those workers, students, or employees who feel that a mundane, difficult, unexpected Weekday is arriving to force them into going back to work, killing their joys and annoying them.
All this was a discriptive approach.
Prescriptively, however, I think we’d better look at Monday as a day to start:
1. feeling energetically,
2. working with high spirits,
3. helping others,
4. planning a successful day,
5. designing a fruitful week,
6. ... hmmmm.....
Hahahahaa...... mmg negative jer sume if we talk about monday... but not everyone.. ade gak org yg suke monday.. (tp bler monday tu dier coti laa) hahahahaaha